Whether you have a natural talent for writing or are working hard to improve, the desire to share a compelling story is common. Some want to create the next best-selling novel, while others wish to share their personal experiences with the world.
Knowing your purpose before you start writing will help guide and motivate you throughout your writing journey.
- Things to Consider Before Starting the Writing Process
- How to Write a Book from Start to Finish?
- Steps to Take after Publishing your Book
- FAQs
Things to Consider Before Starting the Writing Process
Before you begin writing, take time to reflect on your motivation. Only you know exactly why you’re writing, and knowing why is crucial to seeing your book through to the end.
Spend some time discovering why you are writing your book.
- Are you sharing a personal experience?
- Are you demonstrating expertise in a field?
- Do you want to help through your insights?
- Do you want to tell an epic story?
- Is there a deeper message you want to share?
Understanding your why is essential for maintaining focus and dedication. It will make the difference between a good book and a great book.
New York Times Bestselling author Stephen King puts it simply: “A story should entertain the writer, too.”
Learning how to write a book should begin before your pen even hits the paper. Let’s dive into it.
How to Write a Book from Start to Finish?
Writing a book is as fun as reading one, you just need to use the right tips and tools. Here’s how you can get started:
1. Create a Personalized Writing Space
Having a good writing space is proportional to good productivity. Find a place set aside that is just for writing and free from distractions. Having an entire room or office for this purpose is ideal.
Even if all you have is a little corner for your desk, make the space your own – whatever that means. Put up some photos or posters that motivate and inspire you.
If you thrive on simplicity, leave everything blank. Organize your supplies and ensure everything is in its place. This will allow you to get straight to writing each time, without having to search for anything.
Many writers draw inspiration, focus, and motivation from music, either from their favorite artists or music specifically designed to calm and invigorate the human brain to help with the process.
2. Consolidate your Book Idea
You can do something with any idea, but sometimes the idea isn’t enough for an entire book.
Books are long, so knowing how to write a good book includes having an expandable idea.
Think about how the book will start and end, and see if you can expand the middle. If you aren’t getting hit with any inspiration, there are a few things you can actively do to try and get that spark:
For novels:
- Reinvent a scene from a book you like, making a side character the main character.
- Find some writing prompts and run with the ones you like.
- Create a backstory or history for the next stranger you see while out and about.
- Purposely eavesdrop on public conversations around you and make answers for the pieces you don’t understand.
- Create characters out of the people in your life. Put those characters together and have them interact.
For nonfiction books:
- Ask yourself if there was an impactful time or experience in your past that you can draw from.
- Do you have any skills or knowledge that could be useful to others?
- Have you made any grave, large-scale mistakes that others could learn from?
With Squibler AI writer, you can expand and see the different versions of the idea in your mind with the smart writing tool. The multiple suggestions come with different plots with detailing on the tiniest parts in a hooking way. You can then decide to choose the best suggestion that suits your plot or the one that you find easier to make the reader hooked to the book.
3. Create an Outline
Even the most dedicated of pantsers know that some level of planning is mandatory to craft a book that is truly good and complete.
Outlining comes in many different forms. As you learn how to write a book you will figure out what works for you, but some elements of an outline include:
- Predetermined plot points (usually between 2-4)
- Chapter outlines and scene ideas
- Character sketches (for fiction)
- Information on relevant people to be included (for non-fiction)
- Setting and location information
- Relevant facts
- General brainstorming
Those who prefer an outline that is briefer may simply lay out their plot points, figure out the main characters, and go from there. There is no right or wrong way to outline, as long as it helps you know where the story will end up.
For those who thrive on the outline, Squibler offers space for storing and organizing your notes and research right beside your editor. It is all built into one so your outline, side notes, ideas, all are to you as you write your book.
If you are looking to get started right away, then generate a full-length book with AI:

4. Optimize your Research Process
Like outlining, the research process will vary depending on what exactly you are writing.
If you are writing a personal memoir or autobiography, you will need to do minimal research. On the flip side, creative non-fiction or a true-crime piece will require extensive research. You will need to ensure that all details and events are correct.
Many stages of writing fiction also require large volumes of research. Historical fiction will need a great deal of physical accuracy – things like real events, people, locations, and dates.
Some novels explore a deeply emotional and/or physiological set of themes. For these, you will need to do research into the mind and behavior of certain conditions or types of people.
Even if you are not a fan of outlining and don’t do much of it, proper research is essential to creating a believable narrative. The subject matter will dictate exactly how much is necessary, but it’s always necessary.
5. Come up with a Logical Writing Order
Once you have done the necessary planning, outlining, and research, it is time to start writing your fiction book. This part of your own process will also look different for every writer.
Some prefer to write in strict chronological order and they don’t stray from it. They write the first page and go from there. Others will decide on their ending first and write the rest of the book towards that. Others still will jump right into the middle with the most dramatic and action-packed scenes, and work outwards from there.
There is no right or wrong way to do this. You may end up sticking to a certain style for every book you write. You may also find that a different approach works for different types of writing. Don’t be afraid to mix it up and do whatever works for you.
You can divide your book outline into multiple sections inside the one template and later work on the part you want to expand. Having access to all the chapters (sections/scenes) inside the same editor makes the whole process easier and faster.
Useful Writing and Editing Tools
Writing a book is a fun process yet a big commitment. The actual writing of your book becomes easier if you use software designed specifically for this purpose.
Its smart writer feature acts like a customized Wikipedia assistant. Or, a secret top-notch professional writer who already knows and understands your plot, and works exactly the way you command it. With the smart writer, you can:
- Expand an existing scene to add length and depth
- Rewrite with specific instructions such as adding examples, summarizing, increasing intensity, and the list goes on
- Describe a scene with a sense of touch, taste, smell, sound, or even with a poetic metaphor
- Visualize a scenario perfectly with images and videos that you can design and customize without any external help
- Fix all the grammatical, and punctuation errors just in one single command
- And much more
Moreover, Squibler allows for an easy and seamless organization like no other tool. You can divide your work into multiple sections, each with a different plot, and work on them simultaneously. You can change the chronological order of your story or move a scene to a different chapter.
Squibler aligns with Nanowrimo’s concept of drafting an entire novel in a single month. A big idea but it is not impossible.
For starters, there is Grammarly. Grammarly is an app that scans your work and checks for grammar. It will pick up basic mistakes such as missing or unnecessary commas, misused punctuation like periods and exclamation points, or misspelled words.
You can also plug it into Squibler’s editor by installing the Chrome extension. Grammarly also offers some other integrations with MS Office, Windows, or Mac Applications. It also comes with a premium upgrade available. This upgrade unlocks a list of additional features:
- Advanced punctuation checks
- Context and sentence structure analysis
- Vocabulary enhancement suggestions
- Genre-specific style checks
- A plagiarism detector that scans more than 16 billion web pages
All of this demands manual work so it can be time-consuming. You can use Squibler’s Ask Me Anything smart feature to do all the editing, checks, and proofreading for you, and save 90% of the time.
Hemingway Editor
Grammarly focuses on your grammar and overall structure, and Hemingway scans for readability. It focuses on:
- Adverbs. It suggests keeping adverbs to a minimum if you use them at all.
- Passive voice. It also suggests using minimal passive voice.
- Complex phrases. It highlights words or phrases that are complex and suggests using a simpler alternative.
- It highlights sentences that are hard to read. This can include run-on sentences and those that are too long or wordy.
- It goes one step further and highlights sentences that are very hard to read. The basic “hard to read” sentences can sometimes be left alone when tone or style is taken into consideration. These “very” hard-to-read sentences should not be ignored.
Improving these five things makes for better readability. It gives your writing a good flow and allows readers to more easily understand what you are saying.
All these tools offer a way to get a fresh set of “eyes” on your work that will often pick up the small things that you missed. However, rather than dealing with multiple editors, it is better to stick to one that offers all of these features together. Squibler is your way to go; with its smart writing features, incredible visualization, exampling, expansion, and description techniques, it dominates all the editors and tools.
6. Establish an Efficient Writing Routine
Producing a good quality piece of work in a reasonable amount of time is not something that just happens. You need a plan to establish a writing routine.
Analyze your current schedule and figure out how much time you can dedicate to your writing sessions each week, and each day. If you are serious about finishing your book and need to change your current schedule to accommodate it, then do that to the best of your ability.
Once you have carved out some time, start dedicating the time to writing. It is best to stay as consistent as possible. Write at the same time every day and make it a writing habit. Soon, this routine of writing will become natural and it won’t feel like a struggle or a burden.
It is also a good idea to set some manageable writing goals for yourself. Take your schedule and designated writing time into consideration and create milestones for your book. This can take several different forms:
- Commit to writing one chapter per week
- Commit to completing your first draft by a certain date
- Set a certain word count for each day
These are just a few examples. Whether you measure the goals by word count or deadlines, it will help you stay motivated and on track. The best thing to do is start easy and work your way up.
If you can easily meet the first goal, increase it a little bit. For example, aim for a higher word count or try for two chapters each week.
With Squibler, you can set a daily or weekly target word count.
Moreover, you can see the progress bar fill up as you write. This keeps you scheduled for the process.
The productivity numbers and bars increase motivation and help you accomplish your goal faster.
7. Seek a Mentor for Guidance
Few things are more valuable than learning from professional writers who have already made it. A mentor can help you through the writing process in many ways:
- Insight. Receive consistent and honest feedback.
- Accountability. A mentor will help you create realistic goals and set a practical schedule. They will also keep you accountable for meeting these writing goals by pushing you through those bouts of writer’s block and lack of motivation
- Support. Being a writer isn’t an easy life and it involves plenty of rejection and frustration. You will have someone who understands exactly what you are going through and can reassure you in the darkest moments.
There are a lot of successful, published authors out there who are more than happy to help out aspiring writers and those who need some guidance. There are a few different ways you can seek out a mentor:
- Through local writing programs in your town or city – start with libraries.
- Some college/university writing courses offer mentorship programs.
- Some online forums/websites exist for this purpose.
- Reach out to the author if you have someone specific in mind.
8. Build a Strong Writing Foundation
Knowing how to write a book is one thing. Writing a professional book is a whole other game.
If the book you’re writing is a novel, you can’t ignore the most important elements of the story: plot, characters, and setting. They are essential skills to gain for fiction writers learning how to write a novel.
Even in a nonfiction book, however, you’re still crafting a narrative. What you’re saying may be a hard fact, but you’re still toying with the characters and plot. You’re still creating an image in your reader’s mind.
Before you do any significant amount of writing, you must become familiar with these essential elements of a good book.
Much of creating and developing characters comes with experience. But, there is still a lot to learn before trying it for the first time. Here are the things to consider when writing a good cast of characters:
- Understand the difference between round characters and flat characters, and how to use each effectively.
- Understand the difference between static and dynamic characters, and how to use each of these to your advantage.
- Regardless of type, a character needs to be relatable to be likable. Knowing how to create a relatable character helps you become deliberate about writing an unlikable character.
- Give your characters deep thoughts, strong opinions, and realistic flaws.
- Get inside the character’s heads. This can be done with a character development sheet. Some also conduct “interviews” with their characters, and craft responses based on what they already know about the personality.
With Squibler, you can create multiple characters and set them aside next to your chapters and main editor. Then later, you can seamlessly integrate them into your plot as you work around different chapters and sections.
This overview only scratches the surface. Writing strong, effective, and relatable characters is a true craft. It will take plenty of practice and lots of rewriting to get it done properly.
Just as important as the characters, is the plot. At its core, the plot is the sequence of events that take place in your story. But, the plot has to be written well for the book’s success.
Like character development, plot development takes time and practice to learn. It is a good idea to read up on some basic elements of plot development, though, before attempting it on your own.
- Plot and story structure go hand-in-hand. Familiarize yourself with the different types of story structures.
- An appropriate setting is essential to a good plot.
- Every plot needs conflict. There are no exceptions to this.
- Point of view must be determined – different points of view have their list of benefits and drawbacks.
- Learn the basic stages of each plot: exposition, development (rising, inciting, and falling action, complications, increased tension), and resolution.
Again, this list is not exhaustive but it is a good place to start if you’ve never written through an entire plot before. These terms and ideas are ones you will become increasingly familiar with as you embark on your book-writing adventure.
With Squibler, you can develop an in-depth outline of your book and then divide it into chapters and sections to work on later. Once you have the outline in front of you as different chapters, you will have a clear demonstration of the plot. Later, with the Smart Writer, you can take assistance from AI to nurture your storyline into its best form.
Even in a story that is more focused on the characters or events, writing books with a strong and atmospheric setting is always important.
Help the readers to understand your world without going overboard on the detailed descriptions. Finding that balance can be tricky.
Some tips for creating a good setting:
- Time is a construct we all live by and therefore, it needs to be accounted for in your story. The time of year is as important as the city where your story takes place. The time of day is often important in certain circumstances. Elapsed time also needs to be explained. Do you jump ahead for two months? This needs to be known to the reader.
- Geographical location is, of course, essential information. Be as specific as possible. “America” isn’t good enough – you’ll need to include the state and probably the city.
- Think about creating a mood and atmosphere. The setting can have a significant impact on the way your characters feel or perceive things.
- Include all the senses. The setting isn’t just about how a place looks. Consider how it would smell, sound, and feel to the touch. What are the tastes like? Is the city famous for a certain type of food?
Elements of Nonfiction
Nonfiction writers would be wise to take in all of the above advice. Even when telling a true story, it’s still a story and you want it to read well.
In addition to these elements of good storytelling, however, there are important factors that all nonfiction books should take into consideration.
- Provide a solution to a problem. People read fiction for fun and entertainment. Nonfiction serves a specific purpose in their life. Make sure you are giving them what they’re looking for.
- Include actions they can take. You may be an expert on the subject at hand, but people can only do some much with straight information. Ensure your book contains straightforward steps they can take toward the goal you are encouraging.
- Be transparent. If you are writing something from personal experience, share your entire experience and be honest about it. Be open about your failures and how your readers can learn from them. This will build trust and show them that it can be done.
- Be authoritative. When someone spends their money on something, they want it to be worth it. Don’t attempt to write about something that you don’t have all the required knowledge on – and experience if applicable. If you have relevant credentials, make sure your readers know this, it will help them trust you.
9. Embrace Criticism
One of the best ways to improve your skills and advance in your writing career is by getting tough and thorough critiques from good writers who know their stuff. They can give you writing tips that matter.
Joining a writing group or beta readers can also offer valuable insights and help you identify areas for improvement.
If it’s real criticism you are after, look for a strong and active community of other writers. Of course, you don’t have to tolerate disrespect or any comments that are overtly cruel or demeaning but do not shy away from good quality criticism.
10. Work with an Editor
It doesn’t matter how much of the editing process you go through yourself, your work will always need another set of eyes. Even the best writers in the world need a professional editor.
If you want to save some money, try handing your entire manuscript to friends and beta readers first. They can help you weed out the last of the grammatical mistakes. Good readers may also be able to help you with more complex things like sentence structure and plot holes. Don’t send the editor your first draft or even your second draft – this will cost you too much money.
Once this is done, the editor will have less work to do. This will cost you less money, but you still need to hire them.
If you pay attention to their corrections, you can make yourself better next time. You will, in the process, become a better writer.
You can also take advantage of Squibler’s AI features. Think of Squibler as you have an editor and proofreader available 24/7 with you all the time, who can check and proofread as you write.

You can rewrite the text based on how you want it to be; shorter, intense, examples, and more.
11. Hire a Good Designer
First impressions matter. For this reason, it’s advisable to find a professional designer who can create a solid, customized book cover for you.
An eye-catching book cover will bring in more sales than some people realize. That cover is the first thing that catches someone’s attention. It’s what entices them to flip it over and read the synopsis.
The book cover is more than just the image you choose to put on the front. There are many elements of a book cover for example a book title page, chapter titles, and summary, and they all need to be considered:
- The book title
- The book’s subtitle (if applicable)
- Author name
- Front cover main design/image
- The layout of the back cover – Can include a synopsis, author info/photo, reviews/endorsements/praise for the book or author
- The spine
- Inside flaps (if applicable)
Once you have chosen a designer, don’t be shy about speaking up. Even the best designers won’t get it right the first time, every time.
If you don’t like the image, tell them why. If the font isn’t working for you, say something. Your designer is there to work with you to make the book perfect. Trust their experience, but voice your opinions. At the end of the day, it is still your book.
Luckily, with Squibler, you can design everything yourself just with one command to the AI tool. In the Visualize feature, explain how you want the design, and what details to include and it will create exact or even better copies for you.
Here is an example. The Visualize feature made use of the highlighted text and turned it into a visual image based on the scene.
You can always alter the design as many times as you want based on your instructions to take it to perfection.
12. Publish your Book
Publishing your book is the final step in your writing journey. You have two main paths to consider: traditional publishing and self-publishing. Each path has its processes and benefits, so choose the one that aligns best with your goals and resources.
Traditional Publishing
In traditional publishing house, once you secure an agent and your manuscript is accepted, the publisher will handle editing, cover design, distribution, and marketing. This route can be competitive and may take longer to secure a book deal.
For self-publishing, you will manage the entire process yourself or hire professionals for tasks like editing and cover design. This route allows for more control and faster publication but requires more effort in marketing and distribution.
Squibler offers excellent tools to assist in the self-publishing process if that’s what you decide to pursue. The formatting options are perfectly compatible with Amazon and Kindle, two of the top self-publishing platforms.
Choosing the right path involves several important steps:
- Decide on your publishing avenue. Determine whether you want to pursue traditional publishing or self-publishing based on your goals and resources.
- Properly format your manuscript. Ensure your manuscript meets industry standards for submission to agents or self-publishing platforms.
- Set up and grow your author platform. Build a presence on social media and create an author website to engage with potential readers and promote your book.
- Pursue a literary agent. Reach out to literary agents with your manuscript. If accepted, the agent will help you secure a book deal with a publisher.
- Write your query letter. Craft a compelling query letter to pitch your book to agents and publishers.
By carefully considering these steps, you can choose the best path for bringing your book to readers.
Steps to Take after Publishing your Book
Publishing your book is a significant milestone, but the journey doesn’t end there. It’s time to share your work with the world and engage with your readers.
Promote your Book
Effective promotion is essential for reaching your audience. Leverage social media platforms, create a compelling author website, and engage in online and offline events. Consider running targeted ad campaigns and collaborating with influencers or a blogger in their blog post in your genre.
Gather Reviews and Feedback
Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Amazon, Goodreads, and your website. Positive reviews build credibility and attract new readers. Take constructive feedback to improve your writing style and future work.
Continue Writing and Growing
Keep honing your writing style and work on your next project. Consistency and persistence are key to building a successful writing career. Stay engaged with your readers, join writing communities, and keep learning from feedback and industry trends.
Here are questions that most writers ask:
Can anyone write a book?
The short answer is: Yes, anyone can write a book. You can write a book if you’re self-motivated and have decent writing skills. All you need is a solid story, determination, and a publisher who would be willing to get it to the market. You don’t require a special license or permission from any organization to start preparing a draft.
Why is genre research important?
Genre research is crucial because it reveals what readers expect and helps you meet those expectations, making your book more appealing and marketable. Understanding these common elements can give your writing an edge.
Can I get rich by writing a book?
Yes, but it requires consistency and hard work. Here are some ways to make money as a new author:
- Form linkages: Connect with film producers and seek guest speaker opportunities on podcasts and talk shows.
- Self-publish: This route allows for quicker earnings but requires managing printing, marketing, and publishing yourself.
- Publish frequently: Writing and publishing multiple books per year can increase your visibility and earnings.
How does a beginner write a book?
A beginner should start by developing a solid idea, creating an outline, and setting a regular writing schedule. Use tools to organize thoughts and streamline the process. Seek feedback from peers or mentors, revise thoroughly, and explore different publishing options.
How much does an author make per book?
An author’s earnings depend on the royalty rate, advanced offers (for traditional publishing only), audience size, and book marketing opportunities.
In general, self-published authors earn 40%-60% in royalties per book versus traditionally published authors, who typically make around 10%-12%.