Fantasy writing prompts can be a special kind of exciting. Writing fantasy requires a deep level of imagination and creativity as you are creating your own world. All the physical laws and restrictions of the earth no longer apply when you write fantasy.
Anything is possible – any place, any action, any species. These things can make the dreaded arrival of writer’s block even more frustrating. Regardless of genre, every writer goes through it sometimes. The days or even weeks where you just can’t seem to nail down a single creative word.
The great thing about fantasy is that it can apply to many genres. You can have a supernatural romance, a horror tale of fantastical proportions, or even a crime drama featuring some made-up monsters. There are fantasy writing prompts for many genre crossovers. My favorite tool for writing fantasy is Squibler, as it includes many features to help you tell your story visually.
Writing prompts can come in many forms:
- A vague and general idea
- A question
- A random thought
- A line of dialogue
- An object
- A new type of world
- A new form of government (usually oppressive in some way)
- And many more
If you’re looking for some simpler creative writing prompts beyond what you see here, try the writing prompt generator. This offers you some quick and simple ideas that are meant to spark some ideas without limiting you.
- Basic Fantasy Writing Prompts
- Romantic Fantasy Writing Prompts
- Sci-Fi/Fantasy Writing Prompts
- Horror/Fantasy Writing Prompts
- Fantasy Writing Prompts for Encouragement
- Tips for Writing About the Fantasy Genre
- Frequently Asked Questions
Basic Fantasy Writing Prompts
These prompts are designed to give your brain a jump start on a whole new story idea. These prompts could be the base of a novel or short story.
1. The Games
Each year, all the wizards, sorcerers, and other magical beings come together for a tournament. They gamble their powers and magical tools.
2. Bottle Them Up
Your protagonist lives in a world where you can buy and sell bottled emotions. It is a government-regulated industry, but illegal dealers and black markets run rampant. Some emotions are worth more than others.
3. The Communicator
Write about a character who was mute until he discovers that he can talk to animals, and they talk back. He discovers the animal kingdom has a master plan, and he must decide whether to join them or stop them.
4. Tell the Truth
Anything can become true if enough people believe it strongly and deeply enough. The antagonist becomes aware of this and begins to manipulate the population to create the world he wants.
5. The Animal
There is a mysterious creature living deep in the forest of a small country somewhere in the world. It has terrorized locals for years. A bite from this creature may kill you, or it may give you powers. The city closest to the creature’s residence is full of people with magical abilities, but the population is small, as many are killed.
Word begins to spread, and the rest of the world starts to become aware of the creature. Some travel from far away and gamble their lives in hopes of obtaining magic.
6. The Evil Twin
Your main character finds out they are being hunted by who they think is their alternate universe, the evil twin. They soon discover that they themselves are actually the evil ones.
7. Trusting the Humans
Magical beings are the ruling class on earth. Governments are run by them. Those without powers are considered useless, second-class citizens and generally live in poverty. There is a single source of power for the entire realm (perhaps an object or a place). One day, the power source is taken over by dark forces. They cast a spell on the source that uses the power of anyone who tries to touch it against them.
The magical beings must now rely on the “non-magic” folk they have ridiculed for generations. They are the only ones who can save the world from this darkness.
8. Mystical Bounty Hunter
A bounty hunter from an alternate universe appears in the yard of a maximum-security prison. He has come to break out one of the most dangerous, lethal prisoners in the world and bring them back to his universe.
9. The Gentle Giant
Choose a mythical creature that is generally thought to be large, terrifying, and evil. Make them into a kind, loving, and sympathetic character. They have to prove the myths, legends, and stereotypes wrong to avoid being hunted and killed by humans.
10. Unlikely Partners
Your main character is left in the forest to die as the annual sacrifice to the god of the forest. The god shows up, but this year, he is not interested in the death of his sacrifice. He is looking for a new servant and/or sidekick.
11. Supernatural Dealings
A new shop opens that allows humans to rent mystical and magical things: superpowers, magical abilities/items, etc. Monetary payment is not accepted. You must pay much more abstract prices – memories, emotions, or even years of your life for the most expensive items.
Use the Plot Generator to brainstorm fantasy twists and arcs when you’re feeling stuck.
Romantic Fantasy Writing Prompts
These prompts are ideas where fantasy and romance have been intertwined. Love is universal, no matter what species you are! These are also good for a novel with the right ideas or a short fantasy tale if you prefer.
1. Star-Crossed
Humans are forbidden to fraternize and mingle with the enchanted, and vice versa. They are groomed from birth to hate each other. An unlikely love story develops as two people from each faction begin an illegal relationship.
This is not a brand new concept – but there are a lot of ways you can spin this typical trope of forbidden love. Don’t be afraid to make your own version of a classic!
2. Sirens
The group of sirens has been doing their jobs diligently for centuries. They have honed their craft and kill quickly, viciously, and without mercy. They leave no fisherman or sailor stupid enough to cross their waters alive.
For the first time in 600 years, one of the sirens doesn’t want to kill a particular young sailor. Thinking quickly, she convinces the group they need a slave, and so she keeps him alive but captive, all while falling more and more in love with him every day.
Sci-Fi/Fantasy Writing Prompts
Science fiction and fantasy work well together as they share a lot of basic elements. A fantasy novel can utilize mermaids, for example, but so can science fiction. Mermaids are futuristic, fairy-tale material that works in many areas of the fantasy genre.
Take these fantasy fiction plot ideas, add some future technology and you have yourself a crossover.
1. Robots and Wizards
Artificial intelligence is at an all-time high. Robots are running rampant and becoming more powerful all the time. Humans begin to think they have made a mistake, and then the robots start to team up with the wizards and sorcerers. Is there any hope for the human race at all?
2. Magic Machines
The magical beings of the world begin to invent their own machinery. They design robots with magical powers of their own.
3. Zombie Intelligence
Humans have been fighting the zombie epidemic for many decades with no success and no progress. One day, a telepathic agent comes onto the scene and makes a horrifying discovery. The zombies have begun to think. They are developing intelligence, communicating, and becoming their own species.
4. Day of the Undead
A giant alien spaceship has discovered Earth. They have stopped their ship right in front of the sun, casting parts of the world into total and perpetual darkness. The vampires that have been in hiding take advantage of their newfound freedom.
5. Alien Vampires
NASA has spent years creating the perfect plan to inhabit Mars. They have every detail worked out, and it is time to put the plan into action. They have recruited hundreds of brave astronauts who have dedicated their lives to creating livable colonies on Mars.
Two vampires have been doing their own planning for just as many years. They have infiltrated the team. They have successfully made their way onto the spaceship bound for Mars.
6. Fire Fighters
Firefighters are the only ones who know the real truth about house fires. They are started by evil fire elementals. In order to put out the fire, the elementals responsible must be killed. The firefighters are sworn to secrecy, and the public can never know.
Horror/Fantasy Writing Prompts
Horror and fantasy can often go quite well together. Horror itself can be almost anything – as long as it is sufficiently terrifying! Mixing this genre of dread, terror, doom, gloom, and darkness with magic and fantasy can make for a wonderfully unique and enriching story.
Horror can work well with urban fantasy as it’s a good setting for horrific things to happen. Paranormal elements will also mix well with these fantasy fiction writing prompts. Perhaps a ghost is the only person with the answers your protagonist needs! Use these fantasy writing prompts to kick-start your next horror project.
1. Heads Will Roll
Be-heading is a common form of execution. Leaders have become corrupt and are using their power to simply get rid of people they don’t like or are threatened by. A wizard has caught wind of this and puts a spell on the head executioner’s axe.
An innocent man is executed, and the executioner smiles to himself as he wipes the blood off his axe. Suddenly, the newly detached head begins to speak. It is angry.
2. A Big Mistake
A quiet old man lives in a run-down cottage at the edge of town. He is known for keeping to himself and hating children. Strange things start happening in the city, and the townspeople blame the old man, accusing him of being an evil sorcerer.
A brave young warrior finally kills the man, and the town celebrates. Their cheers turn into screams as a demon exits the old man’s body, calls forward hundreds more, and they start inhabiting each and every person there.
3. The Box
A mysterious box appears in town one day. No one knows what is in the box – they can’t get it open. All they know is that it’s only been around for two days, and since its arrival, half the town has died.
4. Predictions
In the moment before a person dies, they utter a sentence that predicts a piece of the future. Sometimes, they are small and insignificant; sometimes, they are very important. Wars have been prevented, natural disasters have been minimized, and lives have been saved by these predictions.
Suddenly, every single person who dies around the world starts saying the exact same thing.
Fantasy Writing Prompts for Encouragement
These prompts are designed to help you put the fire back into a novel that may have gone stale. Don’t know where to go next? Start writing and work these ideas or things into your story.
1. Magical Items
Matching gems: Two pieces of jewelry with matching gemstones. When worn by two different people, they can communicate telepathically no matter how far apart they are.
Sword of Innocence: When wielded by someone with a pure heart and good intentions, it turns into an invincible weapon against those who are truly evil.
Enchanted Chalk: A piece of chalk that can create working doors. Draw two doors at points A and B, and travel between them instantly, no matter their actual physical distance. Draw a single door on a flat, solid surface and pass through to the other side. You can have as many active doors as you want, but make sure you protect them. Once the door is smeared or washed away, it becomes useless. All doors disappear when the chalk runs out.
2. Magical Abilities
Blood Magic: If you possess blood magic, your magic resides within your blood. To use it, you must draw blood. The amount of blood drawn will determine the strength and duration of the spell or ability.
Magic Tattoos: Magical abilities are gained through tattoos. This gives a lot of control, power, and reverence to tattoo artists. They are among the wealthiest on the earth. Size, location, and design are all relevant to the ability being gained. Tattoos around the eyes will grant magical sight, tattoos on the head can grant telepathy, tattoos on the arms can grant strength, etc.
- Keep your powers a secret by getting tattoos that are hidden.
- Curses can be laid by tattooing someone against their will
- Tattoos gradually fade as power is used
Finders: A finder has the ability to locate lost items. They can simply touch a person, and they will be able to mentally locate the lost item in question. A seemingly simple thing, but extremely sought after. Finders are valuable and, therefore, quite rich and powerful.
Tips for Writing About the Fantasy Genre
Some tips for writing a fantasy story are as follows:
Read a Lot
To improve your writing, immerse yourself in classic fantasy novels. Identify what you appreciate in each author’s style, such as their world-building, character development, or plot surprises. Pay attention to how they handle the elements that challenge you as a writer. Revisit your favorite fantasy books with a critical eye, analyzing them for these techniques.
While reading great fantasy authors is valuable, don’t limit yourself to them. Explore different genres to expand your writing style and avoid falling into formulaic patterns.
Understand Your Audience
Aspiring fantasy authors should carefully consider their target audience. Determine the age range of your readers: children, young adults, or adults. Choose a specific fantasy subgenre that aligns with your story, such as high fantasy, steampunk, dystopian, or paranormal. Identifying your target market will guide your creative writing and help you develop an effective sales strategy.
Start with Small Steps
Developing a fantasy world is a challenging task. To explore your world, write short stories featuring your main characters or others without the immediate goal of publishing them. This technique enables you to refine your fantasy story without the pressure of delivering a finished product.
Create Your Fantasy World
When crafting a fantasy world, it’s crucial to delve beyond geography and develop the intricate fabric of the realm. Conceive the customs, values, traditions, and chronicles that shape its inhabitants. By seamlessly interweaving these seemingly trivial particulars into the storyline, you’ll elevate your fantasy stories, making it a captivating tapestry of imagination and intrigue.
Use a Plot Generator
Oftentimes, you feel stuck in writer’s block and feel trouble getting even a word out on the page. If you are in such situations, use a plot generator to assist you in brainstorming exciting ideas and engaging plots.
Decide on a POV
A tale of the fantasy world can unfold in third-person perspective with an omniscient storyteller or in first-person through the perspective of a single individual or multiple characters. Opting for the former grants you the freedom to reveal information at your discretion. The latter allows your audience to explore the narrative alongside the characters, creating a sense of anticipation and wonder.
Design Unique Characters
To create compelling characters, resist relying on overused fantasy story cliches. Instead, craft characters with the depth and individuality of real beings. Sketch them physically if possible, or meticulously document their traits and experiences. Explore their motivations, feelings, actions, and past to uncover their unique qualities and flaws.
Create an Outline for Your Fantasy Plot Idea
Writing fantasy novels presents unique challenges compared to other genres. To manage the complexity of timelines, plots, and numerous characters, even experienced authors rely on outlines. For instance, J.K. Rowling famously organized her Harry Potter plots using a spreadsheet.
This technique helps writers track their stories, preventing any plot points or characters from slipping through the cracks. Additionally, outlines provide a structured framework to guide writers through any writing difficulties.
Make Your Own Rules
To make a fantasy story believable, it should have a foundation in its own reality. If you’re writing about a fictional world for the first time, it’s helpful to research basic societal structures, such as politics and economics. Even magical creatures and other fantasy elements should make sense and have a logical explanation.
Keep the Dialog Authentic
The way your characters in a fantasy story speak can reveal their feelings, goals, and cultural background in the world you’ve built. Instead of stuffing the dialogue with too much backstory, let your characters’ actions move the plot forward while using dialogue to show their personalities and depth.
Take Your Time
When crafting a captivating fictional world, resist the urge to unveil every detail at once. Gradually introduce your characters and world throughout the narrative. Use sensory descriptions to immerse readers, making them feel the textures, hear the sounds, and explore the setting alongside your protagonist. This gradual unveiling will keep readers engaged and draw them deeper into the story’s journey.
Dive into Your Own Fantasy World
Hopefully, this list of fantasy writing prompts has given you some ideas that will either get you started or keep you going. Even the most simple and basic ideas can be turned into something incredible with the use of a creative imagination. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and put your own personal twist on some of these ideas. Change them as much as you want and make them your own!
Here are the answers to some common questions on this topic:
What is the primary quality of a fantasy story?
Fantasy literature excels in transporting readers away from reality through escapism. Readers seek immersive experiences that allow them to step into an imagined world and witness its vivid details through their own imaginations. They desire to feel a tangible connection to a foreign setting and contemplate the experiences of living within it.
Are fantasy novels difficult to write?
Crafting a unique fantasy story is no easy feat. Many aspiring writers often encounter obstacles that prevent them from completing their initial works. Despite initial enthusiasm or inspiration, the passage of time and challenges faced can lead to stagnation and abandonment of their stories.
Is it compulsory to create a magical world in a fantasy story?
Fantasy literature often draws on ancient tales and myths for inspiration. While including magical elements is common in the genre, it’s not a requirement.
How long should be a chapter in a fantasy novel?
A fantasy novel can include a chapter with around twelve to eighteen pages.
Why do kids love fantasy stories?
Fantasy sparks curiosity and encourages children to engage with their imaginations. It takes them beyond the real world and into realms they create themselves. Through these imaginative journeys, they explore, question, and develop a thirst for knowledge.