What is Novel Writing?

What is Novel Writing?

How Many Words in a Novel: Complete Guide

When starting a novel, one of the first questions that often comes to mind is, “How many words should it be?” Understanding the typical word count for different types of novels can help you structure your writing and set realistic goals. While there’s no one-size-fits-all answer, knowing industry standards by genre and audience can guide you. In this article, we’ll explore how many words for various genres, factors influencing these...
What is Novel Writing?

What is a Novel and How to Write One

The novel is one of the most popular and enduring forms of literary fiction, captivating readers for centuries. But what is a novel? At its core, a novel is a lengthy narrative written in prose fiction that explores fictional characters, settings, and human experience. This literary form has evolved, incorporating various themes, styles, and genres, making it an indispensable part of literature.  The modern novel reflects the complexities of human...
What is Novel Writing?

How to Outline a Novel in 7 Steps [+Free Template]

Are you intrigued by the mysterious process of writing, where authors often labor over blank pages only to discard them in frustration? The secret might lie in the art of outlining a novel.  While some writers balk at the idea of meticulous planning, outlining is a crucial step in crafting a compelling story. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or just starting, mastering the art of outlining can significantly enhance your...
What is Novel Writing?

What is a Plot Point?

Have you ever found yourself glued to a book or unable to tear your eyes away from the screen during a movie? Chances are, plot points have caught you up in their whirlwind. But what exactly are these mysterious elements that keep us hooked?  The term “plot” refers to both the storyline and its progression, including the occurrences and changes during the story’s timeline. It also refers to specific events...
What is Novel Writing?

NaNoWriMo: 20 Writing Mistakes to Avoid

Nanowrimo sees budding writers all over the world set themselves the task of writing a novel of at least 50,000 words in a month – that of November. For writers, Nanowrimo is a great chance to try new things – the pace of the challenge forces you to take some risks. Nonetheless, it’s worth setting out with some idea of potential writing mistakes, especially if this is your first Nanowrimo...
What is Novel Writing?

How to Write a Fantasy Novel that Gets Read in 8 Steps [+Template]

If you are interested in learning everything about fantasy novels and want to learn how to write a fantasy novel, you are at the right place – keep reading. The amazing thing about the fantasy genre is how it propels us into unknown lands. From the beginning of time, people have always sunk deep into their imaginations to deliver awe-inspiring stories. A fantasy novel is an example of this, and...
What is Novel Writing?

What is a Flat Character? An Explanation (With Examples)

While some stories focus entirely on only one or two characters, most have several that are present throughout the story. The main character is, of course, the biggest focus. And a flat character does not carry as much importance. Becoming familiar with the workings of a flat character is essential in knowing how to write a novel. Familiarizing yourself with examples will help you learn how to become a better...
What is Novel Writing?

Novel Structure: Create One That Works [+Checklist]

A novel structure has to do with the story and the plot –the way the action unfolds, peaks, and resolves. It comprises the content of a story and the form used to tell the story. Writing a novel tends to be a hard task if you don’t have the right resources at hand. When you feel you have an excellent idea for a story, the preceding line of thought should...
What is Novel Writing?

How to Start a Novel in 7 Steps [+Free Template]

Embarking on the journey of writing a novel is an exciting endeavor, but it’s not just about putting words on paper.  Before you dive into the story, there are essential steps to lay the groundwork.  From gathering inspiration to mapping out characters and plotlines, each stage is crucial in shaping your narrative.  Making a good first impression is important to any area of life including your novel. Knowing how to...
What is Novel Writing?

Novel vs Book – What’s the Difference?

More often than not, the terms ‘Novel’ and ‘Book’ are used interchangeably by most people, and their true meanings are eluded in the process. Many do not usually consider the semantics of these words. Semantics involves the literal and connotative meaning of terms in a language. There is a need to establish the meaning of both of these words before trying to differentiate them. Hence, the topic Novel vs Book....
What is Novel Writing?

How to Write a Great Mystery Novel

Mystery is one of the most intriguing genres in literature. While many people try their hand at writing this genre, few know how to do it successfully. To write a great mystery novel is to assemble a puzzle where each piece hints at a part of the truth but keeps the whole picture out of reach until the final page. It involves drawing readers into a world filled with secrets,...
What is Novel Writing?

NaNoWriMo YWP [Complete Review]

NaNoWriMo is a fantastic program that has been around since 1999. In addition, they have made the Nanowrimo YWP (Young Writers Program). This branch of Nanowrimo challenges and encourages young writers specifically. It gets them on the path of learning how to write a book. They are challenged to write 50,000 words in one month. It sounds like a crazy venture, but many thousands of people complete the objective each...