
How to Use Scrivener [In 8 Steps]
Many writers struggle to stay organized, some in more ways than one. Sometimes it can be a struggle to organize your writing space itself – this is where Scrivener comes in. Suppose you have too many pages of research notes set out in front of you. Or you have so many notebooks strewn about that you can’t even find your pen. The sheer amount of things around you could make...
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Ulysses vs Scrivener: Which is Better?
Ulysses vs Scrivener, how do you decide what’s the right book writing software for you? For years, writers and authors have been creating apps, programs, software, and other innovations to help with the process of writing and publishing all types of books. Writing a novel is a huge commitment that requires a lot of time, effort, creativity, organization, and hard work. It isn’t easy to write and finish a novel...
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Scrivener Review: Worth it or Worthless? [Insider Opinion]
Writing a book is a difficult undertaking, no matter how you slice it. You can write when inspiration strikes you and you have a clear mind. If you’re deciding on whether to use writing software, like Scrivener for Windows or Mac iOS, it’s important to conduct a full review on whether it’s worth it. The program definitely has a learning curve, but it’s worth it. The Mac version and Windows version do have differences, but the overall...
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