Josh Fechter

Josh is the founder and CEO of Squibler. He's authored several best-selling books and created one of the largest communities of writers online.

The Definitive Guide to Self-Publishing on Amazon [Step by Step]

Gone are the days of waiting months or even years for a publishing company to share your work with the world. Now you can publish your book any time and get millions of people to pay for the privilege of reading it by self-publishing on Amazon. Self-publishing on Amazon has given birth to new generation of authors that do not want to pass through the hurdles of agents and publishers,...

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What is Process Documentation?

Process documentation records the steps involved in a business process or software development project. It typically includes a description of the overall process and specific instructions for each step. Modern process documentation not only comprises textual descriptions but also process maps, decision trees, swimlane diagrams, and other visuals to make understanding processes easier. What is the Purpose of a Process Documentation? Process documentation is a vital aspect of the business...

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What is a Round Character? An Explanation (With Examples)

Writing fiction has many challenging elements, with character development being at the top of the list for most. You need to have characters that are well rounded, complex, and believable. This is essential to know how to write a book. Even though they are made up, they are still supposed to be a person in the mind of your readers. To make a story impactful and believable – regardless of...

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How to Write a Romance Novel [In 13 Steps]

On the surface, romance can seem like an easy genre to write in. However, knowing how to write a compelling romance novel takes skill and practice. Writing a romance novel takes just as much time, effort, and planning as any other piece of fiction. Following these steps will make the process easier for you, especially if it’s your first novel: Choose your subgenre Create the setting Choose a novel writing...

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Book Title Generator: Best 21 Free Book Name Generators [List]

As an author, you should realize that having a suitable title in place for your book is essential to its success. Neglecting to create a good quality title will only serve to limit the potential of the book. Every best-selling book has a strong, well-thought-out title.  Especially if you’re self-publishing, the title is paramount to the success of your potential bestseller. The book title will contribute to sales. The catchier the title, the...

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Best Financial Services Document Management Software: Reviews and Pricing

Financial services document management is the process of capturing, storing, and organizing all types of online and offline documents securely. When you have hundreds and thousands of documents and files, you need a system to find and access these files to stay efficient. As your financial services business grows, the need to use document management software increases. Importantly, you need to make sure the documents are stored securely. The biggest...

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How to Write Dialogue that Engages Readers in 9 Steps

As a writer, you need to constantly improve your writing and draft. You need to work on characters, plot, and story to create your best work. This includes how to develop characters, what writing software to use, and importantly, how to write dialogue. Dialogues are essential for writing and are the backbone of your story. No New York Times bestseller ever made the list with bad dialogue. Lauren Grodstein says:...

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The 10 Best Creative Writing Jobs

Readers are attracted to creative writing because they like to step out of the regular boundaries of day to day life. They like to read about the author’s imaginations, feelings, explanations, and original ideas. Creative writing jobs are jobs that have you writing pieces that are meant to entertain. Your work should keep readers interested and play on their desire for fantasy and imagination. This is about a writer allowing...

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The Top 10 Freelance Editing Jobs

In the world of freelancing, you have elements of planning, revising, and reviewing content for publication. This type of job falls under the freelance editing jobs category. Freelance editing jobs can be done both online and offline. As the name implies it isn’t a salaried job. It will most likely be a pay as you go type of job where you are working on contract. Often a freelancer will work...

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Best Restful API Documentation Tools

Restful API documentation tools have automated the process of technical documentation. Technical writers can leverage these API documentation tools, if they have the know-how of programming languages, to generate technical documents.  What are the Best Restful API Documentation Tools? Since API documentation generators are rampantly used, here is a list of the most used generators that are open source and support OpenAPI v3. Technical Writers use these tools to create...

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